About us


To improve the wellbeing of our whānau through seamless service delivery, shared qualified workforce, establishing credibility as an Iwi provider collective, influencing and responding effectively to environmental opportunities

Ki te whakapiki i te hauora o ngā whānau mā ngā ratonga māmā te whakauru mai, mā ngā kaimahi tino matatau, mā te mahi tōtika hoki o tēnei kāhui kaiwhakarato e kōkiri i ngā āhuatanga e pā ana ki ngā kaupapa taiao



To improve the wellbeing of our whānau through seamless service delivery, shared qualified workforce, establishing credibility as an Iwi provider collective, influencing and responding effectively to environmental opportunities (social, political, cultural, health and economic). This may in the future include commissioning of all Kaupapa Māori health and social investments for whānau in the Eastern of Bay of Plenty rohe.

Ki te whakapiki ake i te hauora o ngā whānau mā ngā ratonga māmā te whakauru mai, mā te whiwhi i ngā kaimahi matatau, mā te mahi tōtika a te kāhui kaiwhakarato iwi, mā te whai haere i ngā āhuatanga e pā ana ki te taiao (hāpori, tōrangapū, tikanga, hauora me te whai rawa). Ko te tūmanako ā tōna wā he ārahi i ngā Kaupapa Hauora Māori me ngā kaupapa whai hua mō ngā whānau kei te rohe o Te Moana ā-Toi.



To achieve collaborative Whānau Ora outcomes of Matā Waka in the Eastern Bay of Plenty

Ki te whakatutuki i ngā whāinga o Whānau Ora e pā ana ki ngā mātāwaka o Te Moana ā-Toi

Our Values

Ngā Uara


Proactively seeking strategic opportunities

Te rapu kaupapa rautaki whai hua


Respect of leadership within own Iwi; acknowledging that leadership is fluid

Te whakaaro nui ki ngā kaiārahi o ngā Iwi; te whai whakaaro ki ngā tūmomo kaiārahi maha


Acting as a collective

Te mahi tahi


Caring for our rohe and whānau within our rohe

Te manaaki i tō tātou rohe me ngā whānau kei roto i tō tātou rohe


Being one and working together

Te noho tahi me te mahi tahi


Mana Whakahaere

The governance (decision-makers) of the Alliance are the CEOs of the partners. CEOs may formally delegate decision-making power to other members of their respective organisation if the need arises and will notify the other partners of this delegated authority. Partners may include other staff in meetings where kaupapa requires their expertise, however ultimate decision-making authority shall remain with the CEOs collectively.  Agreements shall be made by reaching consensus amongst all partners.

Ko te mana whakahaere o tēnei Kāhui Kaiwhakarato ko ngā Kaiwhakahaere Matua kei roto i tēnei huihuinga. Kei ngā Kaiwhakahaere Matua te tikanga ki te tohu i tētahi atu mai i ō rātou ake rōpū hei māngai mō rātou engari ka whakamōhio atu i ngā rōpū katoa. Ka āhei ngā rōpū nei ki te karanga i ētahi atu o ā rātou kaimahi ki ngā hui mēnā kei a rātou ngā pūkenga mō taua kaupapa, engari ka noho te mana whakatau ki ngā Kaiwhakahaere Matua. Me mātua whakaae te katoa o te kāhui kaiwhakarato ki ngā whakataunga katoa.


Te Waihanga

To improve the wellbeing of our whānau through seamless service delivery, shared qualified workforce, establishing credibility as an Iwi provider collective, influencing and responding effectively to environmental opportunities (social, political, cultural, health and economic). This may in the future include commissioning of all Kaupapa Māori health and social investments for whānau in the Eastern of Bay of Plenty rohe.

Ki te whakapiki i te hauora o te whānau mā ngā ratonga māmā te whakauru mai, mā ngā kaimahi matatau, te mahi tōtika a te kāhui kaiwhakarato iwi, te whai haere i ngā āhuatanga e pā ana ki ngā kaupapa taiao (hāpori, tōrangapū, tikanga, hauora me te whai rawa). Ā tōna wā pea ka ārahi i ngā Kaupapa Hauora Māori me ngā kaupapa ā-hāpori mō ngā whānau kei te rohe o Te Moana ā-Toi.


Ngā Mahi

1. Act as a collective strategic alliance, identifying opportunities for transformative change by:

  1. Environmentally scan the opportunities on the horizon
  2. Engaging with any government reforms that may impact on our region
  3. Participating in co-designing of contracts, services, and outcome measures
  4. Proactively submitting to reviews and policy changes

2. To work together to advocate for services to meet the needs of whānau in the Eastern Bay of Plenty region, by:

  1. Collating data on whānau needs, service use and outcomes to produce information to support advocacy [data drawn from provider members of the Alliance who shall maintain their own systems / databases]
  2. Preparing community profiles that demonstrate need – drawing on provider as well as government data and information
  3. Conducting research projects and service evaluations including gathering and reporting whānau success stories
  4. Maintaining a data governance framework that protects the privacy and confidentiality of individual whānau engaged with individual providers
  5. Reporting against the agreed Whānau Ora Outcomes

3. To work together to coordinate programmes and services for the benefit of whānau across the Eastern Bay of Plenty region by:

  1. Applying for and negotiating region-wide funding to benefit whānau
  2. Designating host providers from the Alliance to manage and coordinate regional service delivery including reporting
  3. Promoting multi-agency investments to streamline use of resources, service delivery and reporting on outcomes
  4. To attract strategic investments into the region through use of robust qualitative and quantitative data and information, and by demonstrating the power of local knowledge and expertise
  5. To build capacity and capability of each individual member organisation through sharing information, knowledge, methodologies, workers to cover short-term vacancies, resources, and expertise

1. Ko te mahi a te kāhui he whakatakoto rautaki, he kimi i ngā āhuatanga whakawhanake mā te:

  1. Te titiro ki ngā hua kei waenganui o te taiao
  2. Te āta wānanga i ngā whakahoutanga a te kāwanatanga e pā ana ki te rohe
  3. Te whakauru atu ki te waihanga i ngā kirimana, ngā ratonga me ngā putanga whai hua
  4. Te whakauru atu ki ngā arotake me ngā kaupapa here

2. Te mahi tahi kia whiwhi ratonga hei āwhina atu i ngā hiahia o ngā whānau mai i Te Moana ā-Toi, mā te:

  1. Kohikohi raraunga e pā ana ki ngā whānau, ki ngā ratonga me ngā hua hei tautoko atu [ko ngā raraunga mai i ngā rōpū o te Kāhui Kaiwhakarato mā rātou anō e tiaki i ā rātou ake pūnaha/raraunga]
  2. Te whakarite whakamārama mō ngā hāpori hiahia āwhina - mai i ngā raraunga me ngā kohinga kōrero a te kāwanatanga
  3. Te whakahaere kaupapa rangahau me ngā ratonga arotake hei tuku pūrongo mō ngā whānau kua tino puta te ihu
  4. Te pupuri kaha i tētahi mahere raraunga kāwanatanga hei tiaki i te mana tūmataiti o ia whānau e mahi ana me ngā ratonga nei
  5. Te mahi pūrongo e pā ana ki ngā whakataunga Putanga o Whānau Ora

3. Te mahi tahi ki te whakahaere hōtaka me ngā ratonga kia whai hua ai ngā whānau mai i te rohe o Te Moana ā-Toi, mā te:

  1. Te tono me te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero mō ngā pūtea ā-rohe hei āwhina i ngā whānau
  2. Te whakatau i ngā ratonga mai i te Kāhui Kaiwhakarato hei whakahaere hei whakarite hoki i ngā ratonga ā-rohe tae atu ki te tuku pūrongo
  3. Te whakanui i ngā pūtea penapena ā-umanga hei tuku atu i ngā rauemi, ngā mahi ratonga me te tuku pūrongo mō ngā putanga
  4. Kia tō mai i ngā kaupapa rautaki ki te rohe mā te whakamahi i ngā raraunga kounga me ngā raraunga tatauranga, mā te whakaamahi hoki i ngā pūkenga kei waenganui i te hāpori
  5. Te whakatipu kaha i ngā āheinga me ngā mahi o ia rōpū whakahaere mā te tohatoha i ngā kōrero, i te mātauranga, i ngā kohinga whakaaro, i ngā kaimahi hei whakatutuki i ngā kirimana mahi rangitahi, ngā rauemi, me ngā pūkenga

Our Partners

Ngā Hoa Tūhono

Tuhoe Hauora

Tuwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauora

Te Tohu O Te Ora O Ngati Awa

Te Pou Oranga O Whakatohea